Peintre, artiste plasticien, sculpteur, styliste, Cheikh Bamba Loum dit Cheikha est un artiste à multiples facettes aussi présent dans l’espace Médina que furtif quand il est en état de cogitation. A travers sa marque Sigil (redresse-toi ) il a allié maîtrise de la texture fibreuse et forme sculpturale notamment avec de nouveaux usages du tissus devenu urbain le jean’s. Comme sculpteur, il transfigure les formes. Comme coloriste il trouve des harmonies improbables… Son œuvre est connue au Sénégal et en Europe tout comme la philosophie et les formes bayfaal qui l’anime.


Painter, installationist, sculptor, stylist, Cheikh Bamba Loum known as Cheikha is a multi-faceted artist. Very present in the Medina scene, he can also be as furtive when he is in a state of cogitation. Through his brand Sigil (straighten up) he has combined mastery of the fibrous texture and sculptural form, especially with new uses of fabrics that have become urban, such as jeans. As a sculptor, he transfigures forms. As a colorist he finds improbable harmonies… His work is known in Senegal and in Europe just like the philosophy and the bayfaal forms that animate it.