Né dans un milieu curieux, ouvert et cultivé, solidement ancré dans ses racines, Yakhya BA a fait mille métiers, parcouru beaucoup de mondes et l’exploration de son monde intérieur n’est pas la moindre de ses aventures.Et ces traversées, dont plus d’une ne fut pas facile, l’ont irrémédiablement ramené vers la confrontation avec lui-même, avec son pouvoir, son devoir, son urgente nécessité de transmettre à la matière toutes les avenues de son âme, les larges, les belles, les ombragées et les autres…D’une aventure humaine complexe dont il ne révèle que quelques pans, mais dont on peut soupçonner qu’elle fut plus torturée qu’il ne l’avoue, ce quadragénaire qui affronte ses propres quarantièmes rugissants, a choisi de transmettre à la matière ses tourments, certes, mais aussi son espérance et sa grâce.Passé par l’Ecole des beaux-arts de Dakar, Yakhya BA consacre désormais à la sculpture sa fougue et son énergie, sa sensibilité et sa fragilité aussi.


Born in a curious, open and cultured environment, solidly anchored in his roots, Yakhya BA has done a thousand jobs, traveled many worlds and the exploration of his inner world is not the least of his adventures.And these crossings, of which more than one was not easy, brought him irremediably back to the confrontation with himself, with his power, his duty, his urgent necessity to transmit to the matter all the avenues of his soul, the broad ones, the beautiful ones, the shaded ones and the others…From a complex human adventure of which he reveals only a few parts, but which we can suspect was more tortured than he admits, this forty-year-old who faces his own roaring forties, has chosen to transmit to the material his torments, certainly, but also his hope and his grace. After graduating from the School of Fine Arts in Dakar, Yakhya BA now devotes his energy, sensitivity and fragility to sculpture.